Study material

  • Mat converter series
  • Plank series on grips
  • Abdominal series
  • Jumpboard series
  • Long box series
  • Footwork series
  • Leg workout (Reformer & Chair)
  • Arm standing
  • Split bar
  • Leg springs


The only proven form of exercise that targets the deepest layers of core muscle.
It activates the inner abdominal (Transverse Abdominis) which wraps around the spine, thus offering greater support and stability.


  • Improves breathing
  • Improves balance
  • Increases core strength
  • prevents injuries
  • Increases energy levels
  • improves posture
  • Strengthens and Tones your muscles
  • Relieves back pain
  • Enhances immune system
  • Improves your mood
  • decreases stress
  • Helps you sleep better
  • Improves flexibility and mobility


10 συνεδρίες θα νοιώσεις την αλλαγή, 20 συνεδρίες θα δεις τη διαφορά 30 συνεδρίες θα έχεις ένα καινούργιο σώμα!

-Joeseph Pilates


10 συνεδρίες 
θα νοιώσεις την αλλαγή,
20 συνεδρίες 
θα δεις τη διαφορά
30 συνεδρίες 
θα έχεις ένα καινούργιο σώμα!

-Joeseph Pilates

-Joeseph Pilates


10 sessions you'll feel the difference, 20 you'll see the difference, 30 you'll have a new body!

-Joeseph Pilates


10 συνεδρίες 
θα νοιώσεις την αλλαγή,
20 συνεδρίες 
θα δεις τη διαφορά
30 συνεδρίες 
θα έχεις ένα καινούργιο σώμα!

Joeseph Pilates    


Joeseph Pilates

Joseph Hubertus Pilates was born on 1883 in Germany. His father, Heinrich Friedrich Pilates, who was born in Greece, was a metal worker and enthusiastic gymnast, and his German-born mother was a housewife

Pilates suffered from asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever, and he dedicated his entire life to improving his physical strength.

He was introduced by his father to gymnastics and body-building, and to martial arts.
Pilates came to believe that the “modern” life-style, bad posture, and inefficient breathing lay at the roots of poor health.

He ultimately devised a series of exercises and training techniques, and engineered all the equipment, specifications, and tuning required to teach his methods properly.


Mauris convallis libero in libero tristique, ac dapibus metus lacinia. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus arcu lorem, pretium varius euismod et, tristique eu augue. Quisque vitae augue pharetra, auctor dui eu, finibus neque. Maecenas quis magna quam. Integer at ultrices neque, ac efficitur dolor. Cras sagittis aliquam nulla, ut ullamcorper neque pharetra id. Etiam eget nisi dolor. Curabitur commodo orci ut quam tristique, in tincidunt orci blandit. Mauris placerat quis orci id euismod. Aliquam placerat ante eu nunc sagittis lacinia nec quis neque. Nunc mattis elit turpis, eget sodales est mattis in.